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World History
Posted 4 months ago
IV. 'Differences in economic activities between the northern and southern states led to difference
in culture and the world view between the two regions. As a result, the states did not agree
a number of issues, including slavery. In this context, answer the following questions:
1. What were the conflicting economic interests of the northern and southern states
2. Do you think the abolition of slavery in the northern states resulted in the beginning of an
slavery movements in the southern states as well?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The conflicting economic interests of the northern and southern states in America were primarily based on the North's industrial economy, which favored tariffs and internal improvements, and the South's agricultural economy, which relied on slavery and opposed high tariffs.
Key Concept
Economic Divergence in Antebellum America
The North developed an industrial economy with factories, banks, and a transportation network, leading to a demand for protective tariffs to shield their goods from foreign competition. The South, with its plantation economy based on cash crops like cotton, relied on slavery for labor and sought low tariffs to easily exchange their goods on the international market.
The abolition of slavery in the northern states did not directly result in the beginning of anti-slavery movements in the southern states; rather, it highlighted the growing sectional divide and may have entrenched pro-slavery attitudes in the South as a defensive measure.
Key Concept
Sectionalism and Slavery
While the North's abolition of slavery did contribute to the rise of a broader anti-slavery sentiment, it did not initiate organized anti-slavery movements in the South. Instead, the South increasingly defended slavery as a 'positive good' and became more entrenched in its ways as a reaction to Northern criticism and the fear of losing their economic and social order.

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