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Computer Science
Posted 10 months ago
Identify key sectors that are most vulnerable to a cyber-attack
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Key Sectors Vulnerable to Cyber-Attack
Healthcare Sector: stores sensitive patient data and relies heavily on technology for life-saving equipment ⚹
Financial Services: processes large volumes of monetary transactions and sensitive financial data ⚹
Government Agencies: holds confidential information related to national security and public services ⚹
Energy Sector: critical infrastructure for power generation and distribution, vulnerable to disruptions ⚹
Manufacturing: increasingly connected with the rise of IoT, susceptible to operational disruptions ⚹
Retail and E-Commerce: processes personal customer data and payment information, a target for data breaches ⚹
Education: holds a wealth of personal information on students and staff, often with limited cybersecurity resources ⚹
Each of these sectors is integral to the functioning of society and the economy, making them prime targets for cyber-attacks. Protecting these sectors is crucial for maintaining national security, economic stability, and public safety.

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