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World History
Posted 10 months ago
Identify one philosophical issue or area that Dr . King addresses in his letter. This issue might be a metaphysical issue, problem or idea, it might be an epistemological, logical , ethical, sociopolitical issue, problem or idea.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. addresses several philosophical issues in his "Letter from Birmingham Jail," one of which is the ethical issue of civil disobedience.
Key Concept
Civil Disobedience and Justice
In his letter, Dr. King discusses the moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. He distinguishes between just and unjust laws, arguing that individuals have a duty to follow just laws, which align with moral law or the law of God, and to disobey unjust laws, which degrade human personality. This ethical argument is rooted in the tradition of civil disobedience, which holds that individuals should nonviolently resist laws and policies they consider to be morally wrong. King's letter contributes to the broader discourse on the relationship between law and morality, a central theme in the philosophy of ethics.

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