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Computer Science
Posted 5 months ago
Identify the correct characteristics of Python tuples. Check all that apply.
Python tuples can be updated.

Python tuples are similar to Python lists.

Python tuples are enclosed in brackets [ ].

Python tuples are versatile.

Python tuples are read-only lists.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Let's address each statement about Python tuples one by one:
Python tuples can be updated: This statement is incorrect. Tuples in Python are immutable, which means once a tuple is created, it cannot be altered
Python tuples are similar to Python lists: This statement is partially correct. Tuples and lists are both sequence data types that can store a collection of items. Each item stored in a tuple or list can be accessed using an index. The main difference is that tuples are immutable, while lists are mutable
Python tuples are enclosed in brackets [ ]: This statement is incorrect. Tuples are typically enclosed in parentheses ( ), not brackets. Brackets are used for lists
Python tuples are versatile: This statement is correct. Tuples can hold a variety of object types and are used in various situations, such as returning multiple values from a function, creating composite keys for dictionaries, and more
Python tuples are read-only lists: This statement is a simplified way to describe tuples. It is correct in the sense that tuples are like lists in terms of indexing and containing a sequence of elements, but they are "read-only" because they cannot be modified after creation
To summarize, the correct characteristics of Python tuples are that they are similar to Python lists, versatile, and can be considered read-only lists. They cannot be updated and are not enclosed in brackets [ ].

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