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Posted 9 months ago
Identifying the apparatus used for gel electrophoresis
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
The apparatus used for gel electrophoresis is called a gel electrophoresis chamber or unit.
Components: The gel electrophoresis apparatus typically consists of a gel tray, where the gel is placed, a buffer tank that holds the conductive buffer solution, and electrodes to apply the electric field
Power Supply: A power supply is connected to the electrodes to create an electric field across the gel
Gel: The gel, usually made of agarose or polyacrylamide, acts as a molecular sieve to separate DNA, RNA, or proteins based on size
Loading Wells: The gel has wells where samples are loaded for separation
Comb: A comb is used to create the wells in the gel before it solidifies
Key Concept
Gel electrophoresis chamber or unit
The gel electrophoresis chamber or unit is the apparatus used to separate molecules based on size and charge by applying an electric field to a gel matrix

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