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World History
Posted 4 months ago
If 60,000 years ago, we couldn't speak any languages, how did we evolve enough to speak them.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Humans evolved the ability to speak languages through a combination of biological and cultural evolution over tens of thousands of years.
Key Concept
Evolution of Language
The development of language in humans is a complex process that involved both biological changes and cultural advancements. Biologically, the human brain and vocal apparatus underwent significant changes. The development of the Broca's area and Wernicke's area in the brain, which are crucial for language production and comprehension, played a key role. Additionally, the descent of the larynx allowed for a greater range of sounds to be produced. Culturally, as early humans formed more complex social structures, the need for more sophisticated communication methods likely drove the development of language. This process was gradual and occurred over tens of thousands of years, leading to the rich diversity of languages we have today.

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