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Posted 5 months ago

If a beaker has [H+]=[OH][\mathrm{H}+]=[\mathrm{OH}-], then the beaker has
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Determine the nature of the solution in the beaker based on the concentration of hydrogen ions [H+][\mathrm{H}+] and hydroxide ions [OH][\mathrm{OH}^-]
step 2
If [H+]=[OH][\mathrm{H}+] = [\mathrm{OH}^-], then the solution is neutral. This is a characteristic of pure water at 25°C (298 K)
step 3
The neutrality of the solution is due to the equal concentration of hydrogen and hydroxide ions, which is a fundamental concept in acid-base chemistry
The beaker has a neutral solution.
Key Concept
Neutral Solution
A solution is neutral when the concentrations of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions are equal, which typically occurs in pure water at standard conditions.

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