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Posted 3 months ago

If CH3Cl\mathrm{CH}_{3} \mathrm{Cl} and CCl3H\mathrm{CCl}_{3} \mathrm{H} are mixed CH4\mathrm{CH}_{4} and CCl4\mathrm{CCl}_{4} will result. Why?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 3 months ago
Identify the reactants and products: The given reaction involves the mixing of CH3ClCH_3Cl (methyl chloride) and CCl3HCCl_3H (chloroform) to produce CH4CH_4 (methane) and CCl4CCl_4 (carbon tetrachloride)
Analyze the reaction mechanism: This reaction is a type of halogen exchange reaction where the chlorine atoms are exchanged between the reactants. The reaction can be represented as: CH3Cl+CCl3HCH4+CCl4 CH_3Cl + CCl_3H \rightarrow CH_4 + CCl_4 Here, the chlorine atom from CH3ClCH_3Cl is transferred to CCl3HCCl_3H, resulting in the formation of CH4CH_4 and CCl4CCl_4
Consider the stability of products: Methane (CH4CH_4) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4CCl_4) are both stable compounds. Methane is a simple hydrocarbon, and carbon tetrachloride is a stable chlorinated compound. The reaction proceeds because the products are more stable than the reactants
The reaction between CH3ClCH_3Cl and CCl3HCCl_3H results in the formation of CH4CH_4 and CCl4CCl_4 due to the exchange of chlorine atoms, leading to the formation of stable products.
Key Concept
Halogen exchange reaction
The reaction involves the exchange of chlorine atoms between CH3ClCH_3Cl and CCl3HCCl_3H, resulting in the formation of stable products CH4CH_4 and CCl4CCl_4.

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