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Posted 10 months ago

If the market for tacos is a perfectly competitive decreasing cost industry, which of the following is also true?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) An increase in demand has no effect on prices in the long run.
(B) An increase in demand decreases prices in the long run.
(c) An increase in demand increases a typical firm's average total cost curve.
(D) An increase in demand has no effect on a typical firm's average total cost in the long run.
(E) An increase in demand increases prices in the long run.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Definition of a Decreasing Cost Industry: A decreasing cost industry is one where the average total cost (ATC) of production decreases as the industry output increases. This typically occurs due to economies of scale and technological advancements
Long-Run Supply Curve: In a perfectly competitive decreasing cost industry, the long-run supply curve is downward sloping. This means that as demand increases, the industry can produce more at a lower cost, leading to a decrease in prices in the long run
Impact of Increased Demand: When demand increases in a decreasing cost industry, firms experience lower costs due to economies of scale. This results in a downward shift of the ATC curve for a typical firm
Long-Run Price Adjustment: Given the downward sloping long-run supply curve, an increase in demand will lead to a lower equilibrium price in the long run
(B) An increase in demand decreases prices in the long run.
Key Concept
Decreasing Cost Industry
In a perfectly competitive decreasing cost industry, an increase in demand leads to lower average total costs for firms due to economies of scale. This results in a decrease in prices in the long run.

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