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World History
Posted 9 months ago
If we say we chistians are 2000 years ago but the indians say that they were formed more the 10000 years from now. Any answeres that we have formed before or like we are formed after them?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
The formation of religious and cultural identities is complex and varies greatly across different regions and peoples. Christianity, as a religion, is approximately 2000 years old, originating with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. In contrast, the history of the Indian subcontinent and its various cultures extends well beyond 10,000 years. Both civilizations have ancient roots, but they developed their distinct religious and cultural identities at different times.
Key Concept
Chronology of Civilizational Development
Christianity's foundation is tied to the life of Jesus Christ, which dates back around 2000 years. Indian civilization, however, has archaeological evidence dating back more than 10,000 years, indicating a much older continuous cultural and religious development. The two timelines reflect the diverse and independent origins and evolutions of these societies.

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