In Case 3, the key issue revolves around the negative stereotypes associated with older people, such as being "slow" or "useless." These stereotypes often result in patronizing communication styles, like "baby talk," where caregivers or younger individuals speak slowly, loudly, and in simplified terms. This kind of speech can negatively affect the self-esteem of older adults, making them feel infantilized and disrespected. Furthermore, the media plays a significant role in perpetuating these stereotypes by frequently portraying older people as burdens to society, which reinforces ageist attitudes and leads to discrimination. This case study illuminates the deeply ingrained issue of ageism within our society and its manifestation across cultures. One of the key problems highlighted is the pervasive nature of ageism itself. Despite increasing awareness surrounding prejudice based on race and gender, ageism remains largely unaddressed, often dismissed as simply "generational differences." This dismissal trivializes the very real prejudice and discrimination experienced by older individuals, further perpetuating the problem.结合着两段话 ,写成一段给我
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