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Posted 5 months ago
In a FISH analysis, a cloned probe of a single-copy gene hybridizes to cells in mitotic metaphase. How many fluorescent spots will be seen in one cell?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
4 fluorescent spots
In a FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) analysis, a cloned probe of a single-copy gene hybridizes to specific DNA sequences in the chromosomes
During mitotic metaphase, chromosomes are duplicated and aligned at the metaphase plate. Each chromosome consists of two sister chromatids
Since the gene is single-copy, each chromatid will have one copy of the gene. Therefore, each chromosome will have two copies of the gene, one on each chromatid
Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, but for a single-copy gene, we focus on one pair. Each pair will have 2 chromosomes, and each chromosome will have 2 chromatids
Thus, in one cell during mitotic metaphase, there will be 4 fluorescent spots (2 chromatids per chromosome × 2 chromosomes)
Key Concept
Single-copy gene hybridization during mitotic metaphase results in 4 fluorescent spots per cell.
During mitotic metaphase, chromosomes are duplicated and consist of two sister chromatids. Each chromatid contains one copy of the single-copy gene, resulting in 4 fluorescent spots per cell.

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