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Posted 4 months ago

In an action potential, what steps are represented by \#2, \#3, and \#4?
1. In an action potential, what steps are represented by \#2, \#3, and \#4?
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Answer from Sia
Verified answer
Posted 4 months ago
The steps represented by #2, #3, and #4 in an action potential are depolarization, peak phase, and hyperpolarization, respectively.
Point #2: Depolarization phase, where the membrane potential becomes less negative, moving towards and reaching the threshold potential
Point #3: Peak phase of the action potential, where the membrane potential reaches its maximum positive value due to the influx of Na+ ions
Point #4: Hyperpolarization phase, where the membrane potential becomes more negative than the resting potential due to the efflux of K+ ions
Key Concept
Action potential phases
An action potential consists of sequential phases: depolarization, peak, and hyperpolarization, which correspond to specific changes in membrane potential due to ion movements across the neuronal membrane.

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