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青州's Question
Posted 9 months ago

In an ore there is 23.14%23.14 \% magnetite. If it is processed in blast furnace, then 80%80 \% of the ore obtained as unrefined iron. To get 100 metric ton unrefined iron, how much ore needs to be processed?
[The reaction blast furnace is Fe3O4+4CO>3Fe+4CO2\mathrm{Fe} 3 \mathrm{O} 4+4 \mathrm{CO}->3 \mathrm{Fe}+4 \mathrm{CO} 2
Molecular mass of iron =55.8]=55.8]
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Calculate the mass of pure magnetite in the ore: Given that the ore contains 23.14%23.14\% magnetite, we need to find the mass of pure magnetite that would be present in a certain mass of the ore
Determine the mass of iron obtained from magnetite: The balanced chemical equation Fe3O4+4CO3Fe+4CO2Fe_3O_4 + 4CO \rightarrow 3Fe + 4CO_2 shows that 1 mole of magnetite produces 3 moles of iron. Using the molar mass of iron (55.8g/mol55.8 \, \text{g/mol}), we can calculate the mass of iron obtained from the magnetite
Calculate the mass of ore needed for 100 metric tons of iron: Knowing that 80%80\% of the processed ore is obtained as unrefined iron, we can calculate the total mass of the ore needed to get 100 metric tons of unrefined iron
To obtain 100 metric tons of unrefined iron, [Insert final answer here] metric tons of ore need to be processed.
Key Concept
Stoichiometry and percentage yield in ore processing
The amount of ore needed is calculated by considering the percentage of magnetite in the ore, the stoichiometry of the reaction in the blast furnace, and the percentage yield of unrefined iron from the processed ore.

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