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Posted 9 months ago

In corn, three dominant alleles, called A, D, and R must be present to produce colored seeds. Genotype A - D - R - is colored; all others are colorless. A colored plant is crossed with three tester plants of known genotype.

With tester aa dd RR the colored plant produces 50%50 \% colored seeds
With tester aa DD rr it produces 25%25 \% colored
With tester AA dd rr it produces 50%50 \% colored.
What is the genotype of the colored plant?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
The genotype of the colored plant is Aa Dd Rr
Understanding the cross with tester aa dd RR: Since 50% of the seeds are colored, the colored plant must be heterozygous for the A and D alleles (Aa Dd R-), because a cross with aa dd would only produce colored offspring if the colored plant contributes a dominant allele for both A and D
Understanding the cross with tester aa DD rr: Given that 25% of the seeds are colored, the colored plant must be heterozygous for the R allele (Rr), because a cross with rr would only produce colored offspring if the colored plant contributes a dominant R allele, and the 1:3 ratio indicates a single heterozygous pair
Understanding the cross with tester AA dd rr: Since 50% of the seeds are colored, the colored plant must be heterozygous for the D allele (Dd), because a cross with dd would only produce colored offspring if the colored plant contributes a dominant D allele
Key Concept
In a dihybrid or trihybrid cross involving complete dominance, the phenotypic ratios can be used to infer the genotype of an unknown parent when crossed with a homozygous recessive tester.
The percentages of colored seeds in the crosses indicate the heterozygosity of the colored plant's genotype. A 50% colored outcome suggests one heterozygous pair, while a 25% colored outcome suggests two heterozygous pairs. By analyzing the crosses with the tester plants, we can deduce the genotype of the colored plant for each gene.

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