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Posted 5 months ago

In humans, what distinguishes hexokinase IV (glucokinase) from other hexokinase forms?
a. Kinetics
b. Two answers are correct
c. All answers are correct
d. Regulation
e. Cellular location
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Key Concept
Hexokinase IV (Glucokinase) Distinctions
Hexokinase IV (glucokinase) in humans is distinguished from other hexokinase forms by both its kinetics and regulation. It has a higher KmK_m for glucose, which means it is less sensitive to glucose and becomes active only when glucose levels are high, such as after a meal. Additionally, its activity is regulated by the presence of insulin and its localization to the liver and pancreatic β\beta-cells, which is different from other hexokinases that are found in various tissues and are insulin-independent.

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