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Posted 4 months ago

In rabbits, certain shorthaired individuals when crossed with longhaired individuals only produce shorthaired individuals. Other shorthaired individuals when crossed with longhaired ones produce approximately equal numbers of shorthaired and longhaired individuals. When longhaired individuals are crossed, they always produce progeny like themselves. Outline a hypothesis to explain these results using clearly defined symbols for the traits in question.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The hypothesis involves two alleles for hair length in rabbits: one for short hair (S) and one for long hair (L). Short hair is dominant over long hair.
Define alleles: Let S represent the allele for short hair (dominant) and L represent the allele for long hair (recessive)
Interpret crosses: Shorthaired individuals that only produce shorthaired offspring when crossed with longhaired individuals are homozygous dominant (SS). Shorthaired individuals that produce both shorthaired and longhaired offspring when crossed with longhaired individuals are heterozygous (SL). Longhaired individuals are homozygous recessive (LL) and always produce longhaired offspring
Predictions based on hypothesis: - Cross between SS and LL will produce all SL (100% shorthaired). - Cross between SL and LL will produce 50% SL (shorthaired) and 50% LL (longhaired). - Cross between LL individuals will always produce LL offspring (100% longhaired)
Key Concept
Inheritance of hair length in rabbits is explained by simple Mendelian genetics with dominant and recessive alleles.
The observed patterns of inheritance in rabbit hair length can be explained by the presence of two alleles, with the short hair allele being dominant over the long hair allele. Homozygous dominant and heterozygous individuals express the short hair phenotype, while only homozygous recessive individuals express the long hair phenotype.

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