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Posted 10 months ago

In the cell membrane, the unsaturated fatty acids contain \qquad that cause the phospholipids to \qquad . This causes the cell membrane to be \qquad
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Sure, let's address the question based on the provided text from the image.

The unsaturated fatty acids in the cell membrane contain double bonds that cause the phospholipids to bend. This causes the cell membrane to be more fluid.
The unsaturated fatty acids contain double bonds
These double bonds cause the phospholipids to bend
This bending results in the cell membrane being more fluid
Key Concept
Unsaturated fatty acids and membrane fluidity
Unsaturated fatty acids have one or more double bonds in their hydrocarbon chains, which introduce kinks. These kinks prevent the fatty acids from packing tightly together, increasing the fluidity of the cell membrane.

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