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World History
Posted 4 months ago
In this debate between Speaker A and Speaker B, Speaker A would most likely agree that the leaders of the nation should A) establish a monarchy (king) B)create a government where the people are the voice of the government C) increase the power of the federal government D) limit the right to vote to property owners
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
B) create a government where the people are the voice of the government
Key Concept
Popular Sovereignty
Without specific details about the debate between Speaker A and Speaker B, we must infer from the options provided. Speaker A's likely agreement with the idea that "the people are the voice of the government" suggests an endorsement of popular sovereignty, a principle that supports the notion that the authority of a state and its government is created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives. This is a key concept in democratic or republican forms of government, where the people have a direct or indirect role in decision-making, often through voting.

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