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Posted 9 months ago
Is there dysfunction of other cellular organelles as a consequence?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Yes, dysfunction of other cellular organelles can occur as a consequence.
Endomembrane system dysfunction: Disruption in one part of the endomembrane system can affect various cellular processes such as protein synthesis, transport, and degradation
Detoxification issues: If the liver is unable to filter blood waste properly, other organelles like lysosomes and peroxisomes may become overloaded with toxins
Energy production: Dysfunction in mitochondria can lead to insufficient ATP production, affecting all energy-dependent cellular functions
Cellular homeostasis: The dysfunction of organelles can disrupt the balance of ions and molecules within the cell, leading to cellular stress or death
Key Concept
Organelle interdependence
Cellular organelles work in a coordinated manner, and dysfunction in one can have cascading effects on others, disrupting overall cellular function.

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