Jack and Jill are both deaf, their parents are all hearing abled, All of Jack and Jill's children are deaf, including Peter. Peter is married to Wendy who is also deat, and her parents are also hearing abled. Peter and Wendy have two children, both of them are hearing abled. Explain the most likely mode of inheritance of deafness, in this case, given the available information.
Jack en Jill is albei doof, en hul ouers horend. Al die kinders van Jack en Jill is doof, insluitend Peter. Peter is getroud met Wendy, wat ook doof is, maar haar overs kan ook hoor. Peter en Wendy het twee kinders, albei is horend. Verduidelik die mees waarskynlike wyse van oorerwing van doofheid. in die geval, gegewe die beskikbare inligting.
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