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World History
Posted 5 months ago
John Brown and his men were captured by troops led by ________.
1) Ulysses S. Grant
2) Stonewall Jackson
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Here is your solution:

John Brown was an abolitionist who believed in the violent overthrow of the slavery system. In 1859, he led a raid on the federal armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia), with the intention of starting a slave liberation movement. However, Brown and his men were quickly surrounded and captured.

The troops that captured John Brown were led by Colonel Robert E. Lee, who would later become the famous Confederate general during the American Civil War. Lee was at that time a member of the United States Army and was sent to suppress the raid. Assisting Lee was Lieutenant J.E.B. Stuart, another figure who would become a notable Confederate cavalry commander.
John Brown and his men were captured by troops led by Robert E. Lee.
Key Concept
The Harpers Ferry raid was a significant event leading up to the Civil War, demonstrating the escalating tensions over slavery.
The capture of John Brown by troops under Robert E. Lee's command is a notable historical fact, reflecting the pre-war period when U.S. Army officers like Lee were involved in maintaining federal authority before their eventual roles in the Civil War.

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