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Posted 5 months ago

LMNOP, Inc is a firm in a perfectly competitive market that produces cell phone charging cables. Every time it sells a cell phone charging cable, its total revenue increases by $7\$ 7. The marginal cost (MC) of producing different quantities of cables is given in the table below:
QQ & MC(Q)M C(Q) \\
\hline 0 & - \\
100 & $2\$ 2 \\
200 & $1\$ 1 \\
300 & $3\$ 3 \\
400 & $5\$ 5 \\
500 & $7\$ 7 \\
600 & $9\$ 9 \\
700 & $11\$ 11

What is the marginal cost of the profit-maximizing quantity?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) $9\$ 9
(B) $7\$ 7
(C) $5\$ 5
(D) $11\$ 11
(E) $1\$ 1
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Definition of Marginal Cost: The marginal cost (MC) is the additional cost incurred by producing one more unit of a good. In a perfectly competitive market, a firm maximizes profit where marginal cost equals marginal revenue (MR)
Marginal Revenue: Given that the total revenue increases by 7foreachadditionalunitsold,themarginalrevenue(MR)is7 for each additional unit sold, the marginal revenue (MR) is 7
Profit Maximization Condition: In a perfectly competitive market, the profit-maximizing quantity is where MC=MRMC = MR. Therefore, we need to find the quantity where MC(Q)=7MC(Q) = 7
Table Analysis: From the table, we see that MC(Q)=7MC(Q) = 7 when Q=500Q = 500
Key Concept
Marginal Cost and Marginal Revenue in Perfect Competition
In a perfectly competitive market, a firm maximizes profit where marginal cost equals marginal revenue. Given that the marginal revenue is 7,theprofitmaximizingquantityiswherethemarginalcostisalso7, the profit-maximizing quantity is where the marginal cost is also 7, which corresponds to a quantity of 500 units.

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