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Posted 5 months ago

Lauren modeled the relationship between the number of days TT that had passed since she planted a cactus and its height HH (in centimeters) as H=10+2TH=10+2 T.

She wanted to create a graph to show the cactus's growth in the first month. Here is her work:

What mistakes did Lauren make when drawing the graph?
Choose all answers that apply:

A Inappropriate scale for xx-axis
B Inappropriate scale for yy-axis
c. Wrong/missing label for xx-axis

D Wrong/missing label for yy-axis
E Lauren didn't make any mistake
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
Analyze the scale of the x-axis and y-axis based on the description and the equation H=10+2TH=10+2T
step 3
Determine if the scale used is appropriate for the range of values that TT and HH can take based on the equation
step 4
Check the labels on the x-axis and y-axis to ensure they match the context of the problem
step 5
Identify any discrepancies between the graph and the equation H=10+2TH=10+2T
[question number] Answer
Key Concept
Graphing Linear Equations
The key concept in graphing a linear equation is to correctly plot the line according to the equation and to use appropriate scales and labels for the axes.

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