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Posted 9 months ago

Leandro wants to build a one-sample zz interval with 98%98 \% confidence to estimate the proportion of light bulbs that arrive broken upon shipment to his store. He takes a random sample of 500 bulbs and finds that 25 arrived broken.

What critical value zz^{*} should Leandro use to construct this confidence interval?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) z=1.96z^{*}=1.96
(B) z=2.054z^{*}=2.054
(C) z=2.326z^{*}=2.326
(D) z=2.576z^{*}=2.576
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
Locate the z-score that corresponds to the 98% confidence level. According to the asksia-ll calculation list, the z-score for a 98% confidence interval is found between the left and right critical values of -2.32635 and 2.32635
step 3
Since confidence intervals are always positive, we take the positive value of the z-score
[question number] Answer
Key Concept
Critical Value for Confidence Interval
The critical value (z*) for a confidence interval is the z-score that corresponds to the desired level of confidence. It is used to determine the margin of error for the interval.

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