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Posted 5 months ago

Leila tried to solve the following equation, where xx is in degrees to the nearest tenth, in the interval from 360-360^{\circ} to 00^{\circ}, but she made a mistake.
\cos (x)=0.74

Here is Leila's work.
\cos ^{-1}(\cos (x)) & =\cos ^{-1}(0.74) \\
x & =42.3 \\
x & =42.3+360 n \\
x & \approx \ldots-677.7,-317.7,42.3 \ldots

nn is any integ ϵ\epsilon

Of the solutions, only -317.7 is in the interval from -360 to 0 , so x317.7x \approx-317.7.

What was Leila's mistake?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Leila evaluated cos1(0.74)\cos ^{-1}(0.74) in radians instead of in degrees.

B Leila forgot to apply an identity which would reveal another solution in the interval.
(c) Leila forgot to use larger nn-values which would reveal another solution in the interval.

D Leila gave solutions that were outside of the interval.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
Recognize that cos1(0.74)\cos^{-1}(0.74) gives the principal value, which is the smallest positive angle whose cosine is 0.74
step 3
Calculate the principal value: cos1(0.74)=42.3\cos^{-1}(0.74) = 42.3^{\circ}. This is the value in the first quadrant
step 4
Find the second solution in the fourth quadrant using the symmetry of the cosine function: x=36042.3x = 360^{\circ} - 42.3^{\circ}
step 5
Calculate the second solution: x=36042.3=317.7x = 360^{\circ} - 42.3^{\circ} = 317.7^{\circ}
step 6
Adjust the second solution to the given interval by subtracting 360360^{\circ}: x=317.7360=42.3x = 317.7^{\circ} - 360^{\circ} = -42.3^{\circ}
step 7
Identify that Leila's mistake was not recognizing the second solution in the interval
1 Answer
Key Concept
Symmetry of Cosine Function
Leila forgot to apply the symmetry of the cosine function to find the second solution in the specified interval. The cosine function is symmetric about the y-axis, meaning that for every positive angle with a certain cosine value, there is a corresponding negative angle within one full rotation (360°) that has the same cosine value.

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