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Posted 10 months ago
Let V be a finite-dimensional real vector space and let P be a linear transformation of V such that P^2 = P. Which of the following must be true? I. P is invertible. II. P is diagonalizable. III. P is either the identity transformation or the zero transformation.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Consider the property P2=P P^2 = P for a linear transformation
step 2
If P P is invertible, then P1P=I P^{-1}P = I , where I I is the identity transformation
step 3
Multiplying both sides of P2=P P^2 = P by P1 P^{-1} would imply P=I P = I , which is not necessarily true for all P P . Therefore, P P is not necessarily invertible
step 4
A linear transformation P P satisfying P2=P P^2 = P is called a projection
step 5
Projections are diagonalizable if there exists a basis of V V consisting of eigenvectors of P P
step 6
The eigenvalues of P P are 0 and 1, since for any eigenvector v v , P2(v)=P(v) P^2(v) = P(v) implies P(v)=λv P(v) = \lambda v and λ2v=λv \lambda^2 v = \lambda v
step 7
Therefore, P P is diagonalizable
step 8
If P P is the zero transformation, then P(v)=0 P(v) = 0 for all vV v \in V , and if P P is the identity transformation, then P(v)=v P(v) = v for all vV v \in V
step 9
Since P P can be a projection onto a subspace of V V other than {0} \{0\} or V V itself, P P is not necessarily the identity or zero transformation
II. P is diagonalizable.
Key Concept
Projections and Diagonalizability
A linear transformation P P satisfying P2=P P^2 = P is a projection and such transformations are diagonalizable, but they are not necessarily invertible nor must they be the identity or zero transformation.

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