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Posted 10 months ago

Let hh be a twice differentiable function.

Which of the labeled points are inflection points of hh ?
Choose all answers that apply:
E The graph has no inflection points.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 10 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
We need to determine the inflection points of the function hh based on the given graph. Inflection points occur where the concavity of the function changes, which corresponds to where the second derivative h(x)h''(x) changes sign
step 2
From the graph, we observe the following: - Point A is near the maximum of the function in the second quadrant. - Point B is near the local minimum of the function in the third quadrant. - Point C is on the x-axis. - Point D is in the fourth quadrant as the function is increasing. To identify inflection points, we need to look for points where the concavity changes
step 3
At Point A, the function changes from concave up to concave down, indicating a possible inflection point
step 4
At Point B, the function changes from concave down to concave up, indicating another possible inflection point
step 5
At Point C, the function does not show a change in concavity
step 6
At Point D, the function does not show a change in concavity
step 7
Therefore, the inflection points are at Points A and B
Points A and B
Key Concept
Inflection Points
Inflection points occur where the second derivative of a function changes sign, indicating a change in concavity.

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