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Posted 5 months ago

Liz's math test included a survey question asking how many hours students spent studying for the test. The scatter plot below shows the relationship between how many hours students spent studying and their score on the test.

Which of the following is the best estimate of the average score change associated with a 1 hour increase in study time?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) 20 points
(B) 5 points
(C) 2 points
(D) 1 point
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find the average score change associated with a 1 hour increase in study time, we look at the linear fit equation provided by the asksia-ll calculator
step 2
The linear fit equation is y=20.1667x+12.9167y = 20.1667x + 12.9167. Here, yy represents the score and xx represents the study time in hours
step 3
The coefficient of xx in the linear equation, which is 20.166720.1667, represents the average change in score for each additional hour spent studying
step 4
Therefore, the best estimate of the average score change per hour is approximately 20 points
[1] Answer
(A) 20 points
Key Concept
Linear Regression Slope
The slope of the linear regression line represents the average change in the dependent variable (score) for each unit increase in the independent variable (study time).

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