Martha and Dave like to make identical tacos and cakes. The time it takes Martha and Dave to make tacos and cakes is given in the table below.
& Martha & Dave \\
\hline Time to make a taco & 10 minutes & 15 minutes \\
Time to make a cake & 20 minutes & 30 minutes
Which person has an absolute advantage in the production of tacos, and which person has an absolute advantage in the production of cakes?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Both Martha and Dave have an absolute advantage in producing both goods.
(B) Dave has an absolute advantage in producing both goods.
(c) Neither Dave nor Martha has an absolute advantage at producing either good.
(D) Martha has an absolute advantage in tacos; Dave has an absolute advantage in cakes.
(E) Martha has an absolute advantage in producing both goods.
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