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Posted 9 months ago
Most fossils don‘t contain DNA. How can we use them to determine evolutionary relatedness of extinct individuals?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Fossils can be used to determine evolutionary relatedness through comparative morphology, stratigraphic distribution, and the use of certain molecular fossils.
Comparative morphology: Fossils provide physical features that can be compared to living organisms or other fossils to infer evolutionary relationships
Stratigraphic distribution: The age and location of fossils in sedimentary layers help establish a timeline of evolutionary events and relate species through time
Molecular fossils: Some fossils contain biomolecules that are not DNA but can still provide evolutionary information, such as certain proteins or lipids that have been preserved
Key Concept
Comparative morphology and stratigraphy are primary methods used to infer evolutionary relationships from fossils.
Since DNA is rarely preserved in fossils, scientists rely on the shape, structure, and distribution of fossils to understand how extinct species are related to each other and to modern organisms.

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