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Posted 4 months ago

Name the labeled structures of the black bread mold pictured here and describe the function of these structures.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The labeled structures of the black bread mold are spores, sporangium, sporangiophore, rhizoid, and mycelium.
Spores: The small, dark, spherical spores labeled "a" are reproductive units capable of developing into new mold organisms
Sporangium: The round, sac-like structure at the apex of a stalk labeled "b" is the sporangium, which contains and protects the spores until they are released
Sporangiophore: The long, slender stalk supporting the sporangium labeled "c" is the sporangiophore, which elevates the sporangium for better spore dispersal
Rhizoid: The horizontal structure connecting the stalks to the network of root-like structures labeled "d" is the rhizoid, which anchors the mold and absorbs nutrients
Mycelium: The network of filamentous, root-like structures at the base labeled "e" is the mycelium, which is the vegetative part of the mold, responsible for nutrient absorption and growth
Key Concept
The black bread mold's structures are specialized for reproduction, support, nutrient absorption, and anchorage.
Each labeled structure in the black bread mold diagram has a specific function that contributes to the organism's survival and ability to reproduce.

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