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World History
Posted 5 months ago
Place the events in chronological order to show the development of U.S. isolationism during the 1930s.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The chronological order of events showing the development of U.S. isolationism during the 1930s is: 1. The Great Depression begins (1929) 2. The passing of the first Neutrality Act (1935) 3. The passing of the second Neutrality Act (1936) 4. The passing of the third Neutrality Act (1937) 5. The "America First" Committee is established (1940) 6. The passing of the fourth Neutrality Act (1939), which included the "cash-and-carry" provision
Key Concept
U.S. isolationism in the 1930s was characterized by a series of legislative actions aimed at keeping the United States out of foreign conflicts, particularly in the lead-up to and during the early years of World War II.
The U.S. isolationist policy during the 1930s was largely a response to the devastation of World War I and the economic turmoil of the Great Depression. The Neutrality Acts were designed to prevent the United States from becoming entangled in foreign conflicts by restricting trade and financial relations with belligerent nations. The "America First" Committee was a powerful isolationist group that lobbied against American intervention in World War II. The fourth Neutrality Act marked a shift by allowing trade with belligerent nations on a "cash-and-carry" basis, which showed the beginning of a move away from strict isolationism as the global situation deteriorated.

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