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Posted 9 months ago

Point Q(3,2)Q^{\prime}(3,2) is the image of Q(6,4)Q(6,4) under a translation.
Determine the translation.
Use non-negative numbers.

A translation by \square units to the right/left \square and \square units
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Identify the original coordinates of point QQ and the translated coordinates of point QQ'
step 2
Calculate the change in the xx-coordinate from QQ to QQ' by subtracting the xx-coordinate of QQ' from the xx-coordinate of QQ: 636 - 3
step 3
Calculate the change in the yy-coordinate from QQ to QQ' by subtracting the yy-coordinate of QQ' from the yy-coordinate of QQ: 424 - 2
step 4
Determine the direction of the translation for both xx and yy coordinates based on the signs of the changes calculated in steps 2 and 3
The translation is 3 units to the left and 2 units down.
Key Concept
Translation in the Coordinate Plane
To find the translation that maps point QQ to point QQ', we subtract the coordinates of QQ' from the coordinates of QQ. The result gives us the magnitude and direction of the translation. A positive result indicates a translation to the right (for xx) or up (for yy), while a negative result indicates a translation to the left (for xx) or down (for yy). In this case, the translation is to the left and down because the changes in coordinates are negative.

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