Precedence graph algorithm can be used to find out whether the given concurrent schedule is conflict serializable or not. (Check for Conflict Serializablity using Precedence Graph) Assume a schedule S. For S, we construct a graph known as precedence graph. This graph has a pair G = (V,E), where V consists a set of vertices, and E consists a set of edges. The set of vertices is used to contain all the transactions participating in the schedule. The set of edges is used to contain all edges Ti - > Tj for which one of the three conditions holds: Create a node Ti - > Tj if Ti executes write (Q) before Tj executes read (Q). Create a node Ti - Tj if Ti executes read (Q) before Tj executes write (Q). Create a node Ti - > Tj if Ti executes write (Q) before Tj executes write (Q).
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