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World History
Posted 5 months ago
Prehistoric people are usually described as using stone tools; do we have evidence them using of other materials for tools, like wood? If so, was one material better for a certain purpose than another?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Yes, prehistoric people used materials other than stone for tools, including wood, bone, and antler. Each material had its advantages for certain tasks.
Key Concept
Material Use in Prehistoric Tool Making
Prehistoric people were innovative in their use of available materials. Stone was durable and could be shaped into sharp edges, making it ideal for cutting and scraping. Wood was more readily available and could be shaped into digging sticks, spears, and handles for stone tools. Bone and antler were used for finer tasks such as fishing hooks, needles, and awls due to their ability to be carved into intricate shapes. The choice of material often depended on the intended use of the tool and the resources available in the environment.

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