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Posted 5 months ago
Problem: Let a=(534)\mathbf{a}=\left(\begin{array}{c}5 \\ -3 \\ -4\end{array}\right) and b=(11128)\mathbf{b}=\left(\begin{array}{c}-11 \\ 1 \\ 28\end{array}\right). There exist vectors p\mathbf{p} and d\mathbf{d} such that the line containing a\mathbf{a} and b\mathbf{b} can be expressed in the form v=p+dt\mathbf{v}=\mathbf{p}+\mathbf{d} t. Furthermore, for a certain choice of d\mathbf{d}, it is the case that for all points v\mathbf{v} lying on the same side of a\mathbf{a} that b\mathbf{b} lies on, the distance between v\mathbf{v} and a\mathbf{a} is tt. Find d\mathbf{d}.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To find the vector d\mathbf{d}, we subtract vector a\mathbf{a} from vector b\mathbf{b}
step 2
The subtraction is performed component-wise: d=ba=(1151(3)28(4))\mathbf{d} = \mathbf{b} - \mathbf{a} = \left(\begin{array}{c}-11 - 5 \\ 1 - (-3) \\ 28 - (-4)\end{array}\right)
step 3
Calculating the components of d\mathbf{d}: d=(16432)\mathbf{d} = \left(\begin{array}{c}-16 \\ 4 \\ 32\end{array}\right)
step 4
To normalize vector d\mathbf{d}, we divide it by its magnitude. The magnitude of d\mathbf{d} is d=(16)2+42+322\|\mathbf{d}\| = \sqrt{(-16)^2 + 4^2 + 32^2}
step 5
Calculating the magnitude: d=256+16+1024=1296=36\|\mathbf{d}\| = \sqrt{256 + 16 + 1024} = \sqrt{1296} = 36
step 6
The normalized vector d\mathbf{d} is then dd=(16/364/3632/36)\frac{\mathbf{d}}{\|\mathbf{d}\|} = \left(\begin{array}{c}-16/36 \\ 4/36 \\ 32/36\end{array}\right)
step 7
Simplifying the components of the normalized vector d\mathbf{d}: d=(4/91/98/9)\mathbf{d} = \left(\begin{array}{c}-4/9 \\ 1/9 \\ 8/9\end{array}\right)
d=(4/91/98/9)\mathbf{d} = \left(\begin{array}{c}-4/9 \\ 1/9 \\ 8/9\end{array}\right)
Key Concept
Vector Subtraction and Normalization
To find a direction vector d\mathbf{d} for a line containing points a\mathbf{a} and b\mathbf{b}, we subtract a\mathbf{a} from b\mathbf{b} and normalize the resulting vector. Normalization is done by dividing the vector by its magnitude to ensure that the distance from a\mathbf{a} to any point v\mathbf{v} on the line is equal to the scalar multiple tt.

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