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青州's Question
Posted 9 months ago

1. Use the top-loader balance to weight, put 10 g10 \mathrm{~g} of oil in the beaker.
2. Use your graduated cylinder to obtain 20 mL20 \mathrm{~mL} of 95%95 \% ethanol. Pour the ethanol into the beaker containing the oil (or fat). Carefully stir the mixture with a glass stirring rod until the mixture is nearly homogeneous.
3. Use the graduated cylinder used above (it does not need to be dry) to obtain 25 mL25 \mathrm{~mL} ( 2.5M2.5 \mathrm{M} ) aqueous sodium hydroxide (NaOH)(\mathrm{NaOH}) solution. Add the sodium hydroxide solution to the beaker containing the mixture of oil and ethanol.
4. Put the magnetic bar into the beaker. Place the beaker containing the mixture of oil, ethanol, and sodium hydroxide on the hot plate with magnetic stirrer. Set the hot plate with magnetic stirrer (scale 75 of heat, 500rpm500 \mathrm{rpm} ). Keep stirring and maintain the heating at least 20-30 min. Stirring is necessary for mixing the reagents, permitting the reaction to proceed more quickly, and preventing dangerous overheating and bumping. Stir the mixture until it is nearly homogeneous.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Since there is no specific question asked by the student in the provided chat history, I cannot provide an answer choice letter or a key concept and explanation. If you have a chemistry question related to the procedures described in the chat history, please feel free to ask, and I will be happy to assist you

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