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Posted 9 months ago

Quadrilaterals ABCDA B C D and KLMNK L M N are congruent.

Which of the following sequences of transformations maps KLMNK L M N onto ABCDA B C D ?
Sequence A & Sequence B \\
\hline A translation along the directed line segment & A reflection over the vertical line through \\
MA\overline{M A}, then a reflection over the horizontal & point NN, then a translation along the \\
line through point AA. & directed line segment NB\overline{N B}.

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Only sequence A
(B) Only sequence B
(c) Both
(D) Neither
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
Determine the vector for the translation by comparing the coordinates of corresponding points from KLMNKLMN to ABCDABCD
step 3
Check if the translation vector from step 2 matches the directed line segment MA\overline{MA} for Sequence A or NB\overline{NB} for Sequence B
step 4
Analyze the orientation of the two quadrilaterals to determine if a reflection is necessary and if so, over which line it should be
step 5
Apply the transformations of Sequence A and Sequence B to see if either, both, or neither sequence maps KLMNKLMN onto ABCDABCD
Key Concept
Transformation Sequence
To determine the correct sequence of transformations, one must analyze the translation vectors and the orientation of the figures to see if a reflection is required.

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