Question 3 (34 marks). Julian's utility function is
In every graph for this question, set in the vertical axis and in the horizontal axis.
(a) Obtain the marginal rate of substitution. Obtain the equation of the indifference curves for and (solving for as a function of ). Draw these indifference curves. Obtain the intersections with each of the axes and show them in your graph. (10 marks)
(b) The price of is and Julian's income is . Find the (total) price effect, income effect and substitution effect (on the demand of ) of an increase in the price of from to . Obtain the corresponding utility maximising bundles. ( 10 marks)
(c) Julian's friend, Theodore, has the following preferences. For any two bundles and if and only if:
Either: ;
Or: and .
Otherwise, bundle is strictly preferred to bundle . Theodore's budget is and he goes to the same store as Julian, where the prices are and .
(c.1) Find Theodore's utility maximsing bundle. (3 marks)
(c.2) The store's owner now additionally offers the possibility of buying a combo where the price per unit of and together, denoted by , is . Consumers can still buy any quantities of and/or separately, at their respective prices and , if so they wish, and/or they can buy combos. Obtain Julian's and Theodore's respective utility maximising bundles. (5 marks)
(c.3) Another friend, Christoph, goes to the same store. His income is and his preferences are
Find Christoph's utility maximising bundle in the same scenario of part (c.2). (3 marks)
(c.4) Another friend, Caroline, goes to the same store. Her income is and her preferences are
Find Caroline's utility maximisng bundle in the same scenario of part (c.2). (3 marks)
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