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青州's Question
Posted 9 months ago

Question: If water vapor of 60%RH60 \% \mathrm{RH}, temperature of 23 ' C\mathrm{C}, pressure of 1 atm is cooled to 10C10^{\prime} \mathrm{C}, will it be condensed?

If water vapor of 60%RH60 \% \mathrm{RH}, temperature of 23C23^{\prime} \mathrm{C}, pressure of 1 atm1 \mathrm{~atm} is cooled to 10C10^{\prime} \mathrm{C}, will it be condensed?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Understand Relative Humidity (RH): Relative humidity is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in the air to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water at a given temperature
Determine the Dew Point: The dew point is the temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor and water begins to condense. If the air is cooled below this temperature, condensation will occur
Use the RH to Find Dew Point: Since the air has a relative humidity of 60%60\% at 23C23^\prime \mathrm{C}, we need to find the dew point for these conditions. If the dew point is above 10C10^\prime \mathrm{C}, then cooling to 10C10^\prime \mathrm{C} will cause condensation
Consult Psychrometric Charts or Formulas: To find the exact dew point, one would typically use a psychrometric chart or formulas that relate temperature, pressure, and relative humidity. These tools would tell us the temperature at which the dew point is reached for a given relative humidity
Conclusion Based on Dew Point: If the dew point calculated from the psychrometric data is above 10C10^\prime \mathrm{C}, then cooling the air to 10C10^\prime \mathrm{C} will result in condensation. If it is below, it will not
Without the exact psychrometric data or formulas, we cannot determine the exact dew point and thus cannot definitively say whether condensation will occur. However, if the dew point is above 10C10^\prime \mathrm{C}, then condensation will occur when the air is cooled to this temperature.
Key Concept
Dew Point and Condensation
The dew point is the critical temperature below which water vapor begins to condense into liquid water. If the air is cooled below its dew point, condensation occurs.

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