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青州's Question
Posted 10 months ago

Question: y=(T+8)xy=(T+8) x Solve for xx
y=(T+8)x Solve for x
y=\frac{(T+8)}{x} \text { Solve for } x
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Answer from Sia
Verified answer
Posted 10 months ago
Identify the given equation: The first equation given is y=(T+8)xy = (T + 8)x
Solve for $x$: To solve for xx, we need to isolate xx on one side of the equation. We can do this by dividing both sides of the equation by (T+8)(T + 8). This gives us: x=yT+8 x = \frac{y}{T + 8}
x=yT+8x = \frac{y}{T + 8}
Key Concept
Solving linear equations
To solve for a variable in a linear equation, isolate the variable by performing inverse operations. In this case, we divided both sides by (T+8)(T + 8) to isolate xx.

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