Questions 1-3 refer to the following quotation.With the [cotton gin], a single operator could clean as much cotton in a few hours as a group of workers had once needed a whole day to do . . . Soon cotton growing spread into the upland South and beyond, within a decade the total crop increased eightfold . . . The cotton gin not only changed the economy of the South, it also helped transform the North. The large supply of domestically produced fiber was a strong incentive to entrepreneurs in New England and elsewhere to develop an American textile industry.” Alan Brinkley, American History: Connecting with the Past, 2014 . Based on this analysis, which of the following best describes the political and economic developments of the North and the South in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries?(A) The North and the South cooperated politically and economically to develop a successful textile industry.(B) Both the North and the South depended upon legislation supporting slavery. (C) The North and the South further separated because of rapid industrialization in the North and heavy dependence on agriculture in the South. (D) As the South began to develop industrially, it became politically and economically independent of the North.
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