(1) Encode the letters to as the numbers 11 to 36 , respectively. Set , and .
(a) Use RSA with public key to encrypt the message consisting of the first two letters of your surname, as recorded in the UOW database.
The two letters yield a single, 4-digit block for encryption, not two 2-digit blocks. For example, if the first two letters of your family name is PA, then the 4-digit block that you need to encrypt is 2611.)
(3 marks)
(b) Compute the private decryption key.
(1 marks)
(c) Decrypt the encrypted message.
(2 marks)
(2) Apply Fermat's factorisation algorithm to the number , gaining a speedup by panning relative to the two moduli 3 and 5 . Be sure to make clear which potential squares in the sequence need to be examined and which do not. Write down the resulting non-trivial factorisation of . (Just find two non-trivial factors, not all prime factors.)
(5 marks)
(3) Use Pollard's method to find two non-trivial factors of .
(4 marks) (If you cannot find a factor before , stop the algorithm.)
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