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Posted 4 months ago

Read " \rightarrow " as "leads to" in the options below.
Which of the following best describes the chain of events in the relationship between deficits and potential output?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) Deficit \rightarrow higher real interest rates \rightarrow more private investment \rightarrow larger capital stock \rightarrow faster growth of potential output
(B) Deficits \rightarrow lower real interest rates \rightarrow more private investment \rightarrow larger capital stock \rightarrow faster growth of potential output
(C) Deficit \rightarrow higher real interest rates \rightarrow less private investment \rightarrow smaller capital stock \rightarrow slower growth of potential output
(D) Deficits \rightarrow higher real interest rates \rightarrow less private investment \rightarrow smaller capital stock \rightarrow faster growth of potential output
(E) Deficits \rightarrow lower real interest rates \rightarrow less private investment \rightarrow smaller capital stock \rightarrow slower growth of potential output
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Understand the economic theory behind the relationship between budget deficits and real interest rates: According to the loanable funds theory, a budget deficit increases the demand for loanable funds, which leads to higher real interest rates
step 2
Analyze the impact of higher real interest rates on private investment: Higher real interest rates make borrowing more expensive for businesses, which typically reduces the level of private investment
step 3
Consider the effect of reduced private investment on the capital stock: Less private investment means that there is less capital formation, which leads to a smaller capital stock over time
step 4
Evaluate the impact of a smaller capital stock on the growth of potential output: A smaller capital stock limits the economy's productive capacity, which slows the growth of potential output
Key Concept
Budget deficits and potential output growth
A budget deficit leads to higher real interest rates, which in turn leads to less private investment, resulting in a smaller capital stock and slower growth of potential output.

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