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Posted 9 months ago

Roy's Toys received a shipment of 100,000 rubber duckies from the factory. The factory couldn't promise that all rubber duckies are in perfect form, but they promised that the percentage of defective toys won't exceed 5%5 \%.

Roy wanted to get an estimation of the percentage of defective toys, and since he couldn't go over the entire 100,000 duckies, he took a random sample of 10 duckies. He found that 10%10 \% of them were defective.

What type of statistical study did Roy use?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Sample study
(B) Experiment
(c) Observational study

Is the study appropriate for the statistical questions it's supposed to answer?

Mark the most suitable choice.
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Yes, because he sampled the correct population.
(B) Yes, because the sample was obtained randomly.
(c) No, because his sample was too small.
(D) No, because he had to check all toys and not just a sample.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
A sample study is conducted when a part of the population is selected to represent the whole. An experiment involves manipulating variables to observe the effects. An observational study involves observing subjects without intervention
step 3
Roy took a random sample of 10 duckies from a shipment to estimate the percentage of defective toys, which indicates he conducted a sample study
1 Answer
Key Concept
Sample Study
Roy used a sample study because he took a random sample from the population to make inferences about the entire population.
step 4
Determine if the sample size and method are appropriate for the statistical question Roy wants to answer
step 5
The appropriateness of a sample study depends on the sample size, randomness of the selection, and the representativeness of the sample to the population
step 6
A sample of 10 duckies out of 100,000 is too small to provide a reliable estimate of the percentage of defective toys
2 Answer
Key Concept
Appropriateness of Sample Size
The study is not appropriate for the statistical question because the sample size of 10 is too small to accurately represent the population of 100,000 rubber duckies.

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