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Posted 4 months ago

Ruben measured how many minutes he meditated each night and the number of hours he slept.

Plot the data in a scatter plot.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To plot the data in a scatter plot, first identify the pairs of values from the table. The pairs are: (4, 4.5), (8, 9.5), (10, 8.5), (4, 6), (18, 10), and (4, 7)
step 2
On the scatter plot, locate the x-axis value for each pair and plot the corresponding y-axis value. For example, for the pair (4, 4.5), find 4 on the x-axis and 4.5 on the y-axis, then place a point at that location
step 3
Repeat the process for all pairs: - (4, 4.5) - (8, 9.5) - (10, 8.5) - (4, 6) - (18, 10) - (4, 7)
step 4
Ensure all points are accurately plotted on the scatter plot
The scatter plot should have points at (4, 4.5), (8, 9.5), (10, 8.5), (4, 6), (18, 10), and (4, 7).
Key Concept
Scatter Plot
A scatter plot is used to display values for two variables for a set of data. Each point represents a pair of values.

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