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Posted 9 months ago

Segment AD\overline{A D} is an altitude of ABC\triangle A B C.
The figure is not to scale.

Which of the following additional statements would allow us to prove that ABAC\overline{A B} \cong \overline{A C} ?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) CDBD\overline{C D} \cong \overline{B D} only
(B) BC\angle B \cong \angle C only
(C) Either statement is sufficient.
(D) We need both statements.
(E) Even with both statements, we still could not prove that ABAC\overline{A B} \cong \overline{A C}.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
If CDBD\overline{CD} \cong \overline{BD}, then by the Hypotenuse-Leg (HL) congruence theorem for right triangles, ABDACD\triangle ABD \cong \triangle ACD, since AD\overline{AD} is a common side and is the altitude, making AD\overline{AD} the perpendicular leg
step 3
If BC\angle B \cong \angle C, then by the Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) congruence theorem, ABDACD\triangle ABD \cong \triangle ACD, since AD\overline{AD} is a common side and is the altitude, and BC\overline{BC} is the base for both triangles
step 4
Therefore, either statement (A) CDBD\overline{CD} \cong \overline{BD} or (B) BC\angle B \cong \angle C alone is sufficient to prove that ABAC\overline{AB} \cong \overline{AC}
[question number] Answer
Key Concept
Congruence of Triangles
To prove two triangles congruent, we can use congruence theorems such as HL for right triangles or ASA for any triangles, given the appropriate congruent parts.

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