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Posted 5 months ago
Select all the correct choices that accurately compare the advantages and disadvantages of open and closed circulatory systems.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The correct choices that accurately compare the advantages and disadvantages of open and closed circulatory systems are:
Open circulatory system: Advantages include lower energy expenditure for circulation and simpler structure. Disadvantages include less efficient oxygen and nutrient transport and slower response to changes in metabolic demand
Closed circulatory system: Advantages include more efficient oxygen and nutrient transport, faster response to changes in metabolic demand, and better regulation of blood flow. Disadvantages include higher energy expenditure and more complex structure
Key Concept
Comparison of open and closed circulatory systems
Open circulatory systems are simpler and require less energy but are less efficient in transport and response. Closed circulatory systems are more efficient and responsive but require more energy and are more complex.

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