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US History
Posted 4 months ago

Sherman's March to the Sea in the fall of 1864 was an early example of
Choose 1 answer:
trench warfare, which would become standard in World War I.
guerrilla warfare, which led to pockets of ongoing Confederate
resistance well into the 1870s.
total war, designed to demoralize and deplete the civilian
resources of the enemy.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The correct answer to the question about Sherman's March to the Sea is "total war, designed to demoralize and deplete the civilian resources of the enemy."
Key Concept
Sherman's March to the Sea is an example of total war, a strategy that targets not only the enemy's military but also its economic resources and civilian morale. (KC-5.3.II.B)
Sherman's March to the Sea, conducted during the American Civil War in the fall of 1864, involved Union General William Tecumseh Sherman leading his troops from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. This campaign aimed to cripple the Confederacy's ability to continue fighting by destroying infrastructure, supplies, and civilian property, thereby breaking the South's will to resist. This approach exemplifies the concept of total war, where the distinction between military and civilian targets is blurred to achieve comprehensive victory.

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